
Video for “Look Me in the Eye”

  • June 19, 2015

Here's the video I made for the Whtsqr song Look Me in the Eye. [vimeo url="" width="600" height="400" responsive="yes" autoplay="no" mute="no" dnt="no" title="" texttrack="" class=""]

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Video for “Tiny Henchmen”

  • June 12, 2015

Here's the video I made for the Whtsqr song Tiny Henchmen. [vimeo clip_id=71197245 autoplay=1 automute=0 height=400 width=100%]

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Video for “No Mystery”

  • June 5, 2015

Here's the video David Nichols made for the Whtsqr song No Mystery. [vimeo clip_id=77318481 autoplay=1 automute=0 height=400 width=100%]

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Video for “Polythene Sky”

  • June 1, 2015

Here's the video I made for the Whtsqr song Polythene Sky. [vimeo clip_id=77367418 autoplay=1 automute=0 height=400 width=100%]

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Video for “Calm and Defenseless”

  • May 28, 2015

Here's the video I made for the Whtsqr song Calm and Defenseless. [vimeo clip_id=71468946 autoplay=1 automute=0 height=400 width=100%]

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Whtsqr Album Launch

  • June 20, 2013

Whtsqr launches an album you’ll be playing over and over again – ‘The Things She Never Owned’ at Bar 303, 30 June. Ladies and gentlemen, It’s not every day someone just comes out of the shadows and hands you a collection of jewels. Rejoice, for this is such a day. Listen once and be reminded a bit of break through ‘break-up’ albums like Sea Change or Blood on the Tracks.  Listen twice and the songs are under your skin for good. ‘The Things She Never Owned’ is the work of Whtsqr (“White Square”), the disemvowelled alter-ego of bedroom musician Guy Morton “Recording...

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Nothing Good Will Come of This

  • October 15, 2012

I just finished mixing a song called "Nothing Good Will Come of This" - a cautionary tale for all you boys and girls out there in the big scary world. Click the orange play button to have a listen. I hope you like it! Please share it on your Facebook profile, and leave a comment with your thoughts! [soundcloud id='63091669' autoPlay='false' color='#ff7700']

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I’m on a CD!

  • June 2, 2012

I've had a song ("No Mystery") included on a CD. It's called Emu Parade. It contains a selection of music donated by artists from around the world (but mainly from Melbourne, Australia) with a dual purpose: 50% of profits will assist Stewart Anderson and Jennifer Turrell train and maintain an autism service dog for their 5-year-old daughter Tallulah. 50% will go to Autism Awareness Australia. The CD was put together by my old friend David Nichols, who also did the artwork for the CD, and the video for No Mystery. You should go and buy a copy.

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The colour of music

  • May 23, 2012
The colour of music

Light and sound both travel in waves. As the frequency of the sound waves change, so does their pitch. As the frequency of light waves change, so does their colour. The frequencies we hear in modern music are typically oriented around a frequency we refer to as "concert pitch" - typically this is 440Hz and the note is the A above middle C. 440Hz is an arbitrary number though, and different people have different reasons for preferring other values. There are people who strongly believe that 432Hz is "deeply connected with nature" and that 440Hz is bad for us. Throw into this mix the idea that...

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